MAME Membership

The Membership Committee maintains current MAME membership, prepares and distributes membership forms, and coordinates the publication of the Directory. The MAME membership year begins July 1 and ends June 30. Active Music Teachers and Students become MAME members through a two-step process. First, join MTNA/WMTA/MAME through this link. Once you receive confirmation from MTNA, please email so we can add the information you want listed in the directory and on the referral page of our website.

Non-teachers are invited to support MAME as a Patron Member; the patron membership fee is $35 annually. (Typically this option appeals to musical instrument technicians, tuners, music stores, and retired music teachers, among others.) To join as a Patron Member, complete the form at our website under “Become a Member.” Potential Sponsors can find a form at the same link. A Sponsor kindly makes a tax-deductible contribution to MAME.

A link to the MAME Handbook & Directory is e-mailed to every member in late summer. Members can also access this Handbook & Directory at our website. For 2023-24, the member listings (Directory) will be published separately from this, the MAME Handbook (a change from previous years) and as an online Google Document. This allows us to make edits and keep it updated all year. Please send Directory edits, corrections, updates, additions, etc. to Jeff Stanek at

Chair: Jeff Stanek