President’s Note: Welcome to MAME!
Our local association is an all volunteer-run organization. To offer a rich community of excellence in music education, MAME relies on its members alongside our sponsors: Farley’s House of Pianos, Heid Music and the Heid Family Charitable Foundation, and Studio Share of Madison. Your membership dues and their financial contributions subsidize our many events. Please support these valuable community-focused businesses—they help MAME thrive.
In this, my third year as president, I continue to emphasize ways in which we can prioritize inclusivity in our community. Our recent accomplishments point to how we’ve worked so well together. MAME is proud to offer student scholarships for youth. This past May, MAME awarded its first ever $1,000 student scholarship. We are also proud to offer this award through a partnership with the Madison Community Foundation. MAME has also allocated $1,000 in funds to MAME teacher aid in the upcoming member year. Your interest in helping to steer the direction of allocating these teacher support funds is welcome. Any member may serve on our board and on any committee. I am happy to include you in our email communication regarding MAME leadership and governance; email Shad at at any time.
These accomplishments are significant, yet I am not naïve to the fact that there is much work to be done with regard to inclusivity, belonging, diversity, and equity. We must spread the word among our colleagues for whom professional development, opportunities for students, and so on may be of interest. There are so many ways we can improve our policies and diversify the participation rates of our rich and beneficial opportunities. So please bring a friend or colleague with you to an event or meeting, and find whichever way you are most comfortable being involved in our professional community. MAME welcomes non-members and members alike!
As I think ahead to my role as a leader this year, I do so by saying “YES, AND…”. I invite you to do the same. I also invite you to acquire a copy of an insightful book: “Upbeat: Mindset, Mindfulness, and Leadership in Music Education and Beyond,” by Matthew Arau (GIA Publishing). Arau sets the pace for a manageable and authentic growth mindset. His Facebook community “Upbeat Leaders Community” has been a valuable source of inspiration for me this past summer. With each Nuances this coming year, my reflections will focus on ways to be more “upbeat” leaders. I hope you’ll look for that monthly newsletter in your email and keep in touch throughout the year.
Finally, I will note here that the World Health Organization has officially deemed the COVID-19 pandemic “no longer a global emergency.” Therefore, MAME no longer offers guidelines regarding those health concerns. May I remind us, nevertheless, that MAME may need to update notices, events, or policies at the last-minute. We will communicate all of this (and more!) via our email based newsletter, Nuances, on a monthly basis.
Shad Ryan Wenzlaff
MAME President – he/him/his
Madison Area Music Educators
PO Box 44152
Madison, WI 53744
Become a Member!
MAME welcomes music educators and music appreciators of all instruments and backgrounds. If you know someone who is not yet a member of MTNA, please let them know about this new chapter and the benefits of membership.
MAME Communication
Nuances Overview: MAME’s monthly newsletter, called Nuances, publicizes upcoming MAME activities, summarizes previous events, includes feature articles, and other information. It is published each month from August through May, and it is distributed via email to members with active email addresses on file. Back issues of Nuances are available at the MAME website. June Nuances is published if necessary; there is no published issue in July.
Publication Deadline: Send complete, ready-to-publish submissions in paragraph format to by the 21st of the month for consideration of publication in the coming month’s issue. (The September 1 edition is published early, and the deadline for submission is August 10.)
Events: A listing of MAME events and other community piano-related events will be published in each issue. There is no listing fee for free events or events for which students are charged an audition fee. Events with an admission charge may be listed for an advertising fee.
Advertising: Ad submissions for events are accepted via email. Placement and acceptance of advertisements are at the discretion of the Nuances editor. See the MAME website here or contact the Nuances editor for advertising rates.
The ad information contained on the MAME website and in Nuances is provided for informational purposes only. MAME makes no warranties, guarantees, or representations of any kind, expressed or implied, as to the content, accuracy, completeness, reliability, or timelines of the information contained in the advertisements. MAME expressly disclaims any responsibility or liability for any errors, inaccuracies, or the untimeliness of any information provided by advertisers.
Nuances Editor: Lisa Allred
MAME’s Publicity Coordinator receives information to distribute to MAME members and coordinates with other organizations and the media to publicize MAME events. Listings of the meeting dates, times, and locations are placed by the publicity chair with social media. If you have interesting articles to share on our social media pages, or if you are a chairperson wanting to share information to the membership, please forward that information via email to the social media chair.
This online calendar contains all member and board events. Please email the chair to report changes or additions.
Publicity Chair: Mickey Lytle
MAME’s Facebook page can be found here:
MAME’s public Google calendar can be found here.
Interested in Sponsoring our Organization?
Businesses, groups, or individuals wishing to sponsor MAME for the upcoming year are invited to return and complete this form. Your sponsorship is tax-deductible.
MAME gratefully acknowledges its 2023 – 2024 Sponsors
Platinum Sponsor: Heid Music and Heid Music Family Charitable Fund
Gold Sponsor: Farley’s House of Pianos
Silver Sponsor: Studio Share of Madison