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About MAME

President’s Note: August/September 2024
This time of year, I tend to be full of inspiration and goals, with (just a touch) of nerves. As I’ve undertaken this new role of MAME President this summer, I’ve felt those same feelings about serving all of you and our upcoming MAME year. To maintain the inspiration part of that equation, I focus on what energizes me and my teaching. One of the most vital pieces for me is to have a community—and that’s where MAME comes in.

I’ve been inspired lately by Jacob Collier, a phenomenal, classically-trained musician that has taken the internet by storm in recent years. He defies all attempts at categorization, by collaborating with countless musicians from every genre, playing dozens of instruments/styles (sometimes multiple at the same time), and creating  multi-part choirs from his audiences. You can feel an almost electric energy through many of these videos, as hundreds, sometimes thousands, are inspired by his (and each other’s) music-making.

Obviously, MAME members coming together will look different than Collier’s concerts. But when we gather, we build community. Whether it’s at MAME workshops, the state conference in October (join us!), or just chatting over coffee, we build something powerful. This sense of community makes our work both easier and more rewarding. It’s where we gain fresh perspectives and keep our passion for teaching alive.

Of course, community building is rarely convenient, and almost never easy. (I know that if I don’t decide early to attend a non-required event, then something always comes up!) But when I do decide to be involved, to spend time with all of you, I am always glad that I did, and my teaching is better for it.

So, as we dive into this season, let’s keep that spirit of togetherness alive. Join us as we meet together, share your ideas, and don’t be afraid to ask for or offer help.

I’m grateful for the opportunity to rub shoulders with all of you, and I look forward to learning from you this year. Here’s to another great season of music, collaboration, and shared success!

Shad Ryan Wenzlaff
MAME President – he/him/his

Madison Area Music Educators
PO Box 44152
Madison, WI 53744

Become a Member!

MAME welcomes music educators and music appreciators of all instruments and backgrounds. If you know someone who is not yet a member of MTNA, please let them know about this new chapter and the benefits of membership.

MAME Communication

Nuances Overview: MAME’s monthly newsletter, called Nuances, publicizes upcoming MAME activities, summarizes previous events, includes feature articles, and other information. It is published each month from August through May, and it is distributed via email to members with active email addresses on file. Back issues of Nuances are available at the MAME website. June Nuances is published if necessary; there is no published issue in July.

Publication Deadline: Send complete, ready-to-publish submissions in paragraph format to by the 21st of the month for consideration of publication in the coming month’s issue. (The September 1 edition is published early, and the deadline for submission is August 10.)

Events: A listing of MAME events and other community piano-related events will be published in each issue. There is no listing fee for free events or events for which students are charged an audition fee. Events with an admission charge may be listed for an advertising fee.

Advertising: Ad submissions for events are accepted via email. Placement and acceptance of advertisements are at the discretion of the Nuances editor. See the MAME website here or contact the Nuances editor for advertising rates.

The ad information contained on the MAME website and in Nuances is provided for informational purposes only. MAME makes no warranties, guarantees, or representations of any kind, expressed or implied, as to the content, accuracy, completeness, reliability, or timelines of the information contained in the advertisements.  MAME expressly disclaims any responsibility or liability for any errors, inaccuracies, or the untimeliness of any information provided by advertisers.

Nuances Editor: Lisa Allred

MAME’s Publicity Coordinator receives information to distribute to MAME members and coordinates with other organizations and the media to publicize MAME events.  Listings of the meeting dates, times, and locations are placed by the publicity chair with social media. If you have interesting articles to share on our social media pages, or if you are a chairperson wanting to share information to the membership, please forward that information via email to the social media chair.

This online calendar contains all member and board events. Please email the chair to report changes or additions.

Publicity Chair: Mickey Lytle

MAME’s Facebook page can be found here:

MAME’s public Google calendar can be found here.

Interested in Sponsoring our Organization?

Businesses, groups, or individuals wishing to sponsor MAME for the upcoming year are invited to return and complete this form. Your sponsorship is tax-deductible.

MAME gratefully acknowledges its 2023 – 2024 Sponsors

Platinum Sponsor: Heid Music and Heid Music Family Charitable Fund

Gold Sponsor: Farley’s House of Pianos

Silver Sponsor: Studio Share of Madison